Here is the e8.el input method for Emacs Quail.
Make a quail
directory somewhere in your load-path, e.g. in site-lisp
$ cd /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp $ mkdir quail $ cp $foo/e8.el quail/
And add this to your .emacs :
(register-input-method "e8" "utf-8" 'quail-use-package "ŭ8" "A direct method to input Esperanto letters" "e8")or just
(load "e8")
After installing this input method you will be able to get the help
(is is shown below) via ‘C-h I e8’
A direct method to input Esperanto letters plus a TeX-based method to enter many other Unicode characters.
In order to input an Esperantic letter, e.g. for
"eĥoŝanĝo ĉiuĵaŭde - EĤOŜANĜO ĈIUĴAŬDE"
"e]oqanyo xiu[awde - E}OQANYO XIU{AWDE"
Backslash (\
) is used as a modifier. In order to input either of
precede it with C-q
or \
or turn off e8 (e.g. with ‘C-\’
For the other characters key sequences are used, inspired by the TeX notation.
You can input characters by the following key sequences:
key char [type a key sequence to insert the corresponding character] --- --- ---- -- -------- ------- ---- ------------------ ---- Q Ŝ \'S Ś \ge ≥ \lor ∨ \coprod ∐ W Ŭ \'U Ú \gg ≫ \mho ℧ \curren ¤ X Ĉ \'Z Ź \ij ij \mid ∣ \dagger † Y Ĝ \'a á \kA Ą \neq ≠ \exists ∃ [ ĵ \'c ć \kE Ę \phi ϕ \forall ∀ ] ĥ \'e é \kI Į \psi ψ \lambda λ q ŝ \'i í \kU Ų \rho ρ \mapsto ↦ w ŭ \'o ó \ka ą \sim ∼ \models ⊨ x ĉ \'r ŕ \ke ę \sum ∑ \ominus ⊖ y ĝ \'s ś \ki į \tau τ \oslash ⊘ { Ĵ \'u ú \ku ų \top ⊤ \otimes ⊗ } Ĥ \'z ź \le ≤ \t{} ͡ \preceq ≼ '' ” \-- – \ll ≪ \u{} ̆ \propto ∝ \! ¡ \.C Ċ \lp ŀ \v{} ̌ \subset ⊂ \% ‱ \.E Ė \lq ‘ \yen ¥ \succeq ≽ \- ‐ \.G Ġ \mp ∓ \~{} ̃ \supset ⊃ \0 ° \.I İ \mu μ \Vert ∥ \varphi φ \5 ½ \.Z Ż \ng ŋ \beta β \varrho ϱ \< « \.c ċ \ni ∋ \cdot ⋅ \Uparrow ⇑ \> » \.e ė \nu ν \cent ¢ \Upsilon Υ \? ¿ \.g ġ \oe œ \circ ∘ \bigcirc ◯ \L Ł \.z ż \pi π \cong ≅ \ddagger ‡ \O Ø \25 ¼ \pm ± \copy © \diamond ⋄ \P ¶ \75 ¾ \rU Ů \ddag ‡ \epsilon ε \S § \=A Ā \rq ’ \euro € \natural ♮ \i ı \=E Ē \ru ů \flat ♭ \nearrow ↗ \l ł \=H Ħ \ss ß \gets ← \not\geq ≱ \o ø \=I Ī \st ſt \hbar ℏ \not\leq ≰ \s ſ \=U Ū \th þ \iota ι \not\sim ≁ \| ∥ \=a ā \to → \land ∧ \nwarrow ↖ ^( ⁽ \=e ē \uA Ă \lnot ¬ \partial ∂ ^) ⁾ \=h ħ \uG Ğ \nbsp \searrow ↘ ^+ ⁺ \=i ī \uI Ĭ \not< ≮ \swarrow ↙ ^- ⁻ \=u ū \uO Ŏ \not> ≯ \uparrow ↑ ^0 ⁰ \AA Å \uU Ŭ \odot ⊙ \upsilon υ ^1 ¹ \AE Æ \ua ă \oint ∮ \bigwedge ⋀ ^2 ² \DH Ð \ug ğ \perp ⊥ \clubsuit ♣ ^3 ³ \DJ Đ \ui ĭ \prec ≺ \emptyset ∅ ^4 ⁴ \IJ IJ \uo ŏ \prod ∏ \not\cong ≇ ^5 ⁵ \Im ℑ \uu ŭ \star ⋆ \not\prec ⊀ ^6 ⁶ \Lp Ŀ \vC Č \succ ≻ \not\succ ⊁ ^7 ⁷ \NG Ŋ \vD Ď \surd √ \parallel ∥ ^8 ⁸ \OE Œ \vL Ľ \vert ∣ \setminus ∖ ^9 ⁹ \Pi Π \vN Ň \zeta ζ \subseteq ⊆ ^= ⁼ \Re ℜ \vR Ř \Delta Δ \supseteq ⊇ ^a ª \TH Þ \vS Š \Gamma Γ \triangle △ ^n ⁿ \Xi Ξ \vZ Ž \Omega Ω \varsigma ς ^o º \^A  \vc č \Sigma Σ \vartheta ϑ _( ₍ \^C Ĉ \vd ď \Theta Θ \Downarrow ⇓ _) ₎ \^E Ê \vl ľ \aleph ℵ \Leftarrow ⇐ _+ ₊ \^G Ĝ \vn ň \alpha α \downarrow ↓ _- ₋ \^H Ĥ \vr ř \amalg ∐ \heartsuit ♡ _0 ₀ \^I Î \vs š \angle ∠ \leftarrow ← _1 ₁ \^J Ĵ \vz ž \asymp ≍ \not\asymp ≭ _2 ₂ \^O Ô \wp ℘ \dashv ⊣ \not\equiv ≢ _3 ₃ \^S Ŝ \wr ≀ \delta δ \not\simeq ≄ _4 ₄ \^U Û \xi ξ \doteq ≐ \spadesuit ♠ _5 ₅ \^a â \~N Ñ \equiv ≡ \Rightarrow ⇒ _6 ₆ \^c ĉ \~O Õ \frown ⌢ \not\approx ≉ _7 ₇ \^e ê \~n ñ \gamma γ \not\preceq ⋠ _8 ₈ \^g ĝ \~o õ \imath ı \not\subset ⊄ _9 ₉ \^h ĥ \"{} ̈ \infty ∞ \not\succeq ⋡ _= ₌ \^i î \'{} ́ \kappa κ \not\supset ⊅ `` “ \^j ĵ \--- — \minus − \rightarrow → |C ℂ \^o ô \.{} ̇ \nabla ∇ \sqsubseteq ⊑ |H ℍ \^s ŝ \={} ̄ \omega ω \sqsupseteq ⊒ |N ℕ \^u û \H{} ̋ \oplus ⊕ \Updownarrow ⇕ |P ℙ \`A À \Phi Φ \pound £ \diamondsuit ♢ |Q ℚ \`E È \Psi Ψ \prime ′ \updownarrow ↕ |R ℝ \`I Ì \^{} ̂ \sharp ♯ \not\subseteq ⊈ |Z ℤ \`O Ò \`{} ̀ \sigma σ \not\supseteq ⊉ \"A Ä \`U Ù \ast ∗ \simeq ≃ \triangleleft ◁ \"E Ë \`a à \bot ⊥ \smile ⌣ \bigtriangleup △ \"I Ï \`e è \b{} ̱ \sqcap ⊓ \hookleftarrow ↩ \"O Ö \`i ì \cap ∩ \sqcup ⊔ \leftharpoonup ↼ \"U Ü \`o ò \chi χ \theta θ \triangleright ▷ \"a ä \`u ù \cup ∪ \times × \Leftrightarrow ⇔ \"e ë \aa å \c{} ̧ \uplus ⊎ \hookrightarrow ↪ \"i ï \ae æ \dag † \varpi ϖ \leftrightarrow ↔ \"o ö \cC Ç \div ÷ \vdash ⊢ \not\sqsubseteq ⋢ \"u ü \cS Ş \d{} ̣ \Lambda Λ \not\sqsupseteq ⋣ \'A Á \cc ç \ell ℓ \approx ≈ \rightharpoonup ⇀ \'C Ć \cs ş \eta η \bigcap ⋂ \bigtriangledown ▽ \'E É \dh ð \ffi ffi \bigcup ⋃ \leftharpoondown ↽ \'I Í \dj đ \ffl ffl \bigvee ⋁ \rightharpoondown ⇁ \'O Ó \ff ff \int ∫ \bowtie ⋈ \rightleftharpoons ⇌ \'R Ŕ \fl fl \k{} ̨ \bullet ∙