;;; quail/e8.el -- Quail package for inputting Esperanto -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ;; Copyright (C) 1999 Sergio Pokrovskij ;; Many TeX definitions are stolen from unicode-input.el by Florian Weimer ;; Keywords: multilingual, input method, Esperanto, TeX ;; This file is not a part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Code: (require 'quail) (quail-define-package "e8" "utf-8" "ŭ8" t "A direct method to input Esperanto letters and other characters to UTF-8 encoding using TeX-ish names. Backslash (\\) is used as a modifier. In order to input \t“eĥoŝanĝo ĉiuĵaŭde” type \t“e]oqanyo xiu[awde”; in order to input either of qwyx[]{} precede it with backslash. Other characters: effect | prefix | examples ------------+--------+---------- acute | \\' | \\'a -> á '' -> ?´ grave | \\` | \\`a -> à circumflex | \\^ | \\^a -> â diaeresis | \\\" | \\\"a -> ä \\\"{} -> ¨ cedilla | \\c | \\cc -> ç \\c{} -> ¸ dot above | \\. | \\.g -> ġ \\.z -> ż \\.I -> İ " nil t nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil t) (quail-define-rules ("x" ?ĉ) ("X" ?Ĉ) ("\\x" ?x) ("\\X" ?X) ("]" ?ĥ) ("}" ?Ĥ) ("\\]" 93) ("\\}" ?}) ("y" ?ĝ) ("Y" ?Ĝ) ("\\y" ?y) ("\\Y" ?Y) ("[" ?ĵ) ("{" ?Ĵ) ("\\[" 91) ("\\{" ?{) ("q" ?ŝ) ("Q" ?Ŝ) ("\\q" ?q) ("\\Q" ?Q) ("w" ?ŭ) ("W" ?Ŭ) ("\\w" ?w) ("\\W" ?W) ("\\.C" ?Ċ) ("\\.c" ?ċ) ("\\.E" ?Ė) ("\\.e" ?ė) ("\\.G" ?Ġ) ("\\.g" ?ġ) ("\\.I" ?İ) ("\\i" ?ı) ; also \imath ("\\.Z" ?Ż) ("\\.z" ?ż) ("\\'A" ?Á) ("\\'a" ?á) ("\\'C" ?Ć) ("\\'c" ?ć) ("\\'E" ?É) ("\\'e" ?é) ("\\'I" ?Í) ("\\'i" ?í) ("\\'O" ?Ó) ("\\'o" ?ó) ("\\'R" ?Ŕ) ("\\'r" ?ŕ) ("\\'S" ?Ś) ("\\'s" ?ś) ("\\'U" ?Ú) ("\\'u" ?ú) ("\\'Z" ?Ź) ("\\'z" ?ź) ("\\\"A" ?Ä) ("\\\"a" ?ä) ("\\\"E" ?Ë) ("\\\"e" ?ë) ("\\\"I" ?Ï) ("\\\"i" ?ï) ("\\\"O" ?Ö) ("\\\"o" ?ö) ("\\\"U" ?Ü) ("\\\"u" ?ü) ("\\`A" ?À) ("\\`a" ?à) ("\\`E" ?È) ("\\`e" ?è) ("\\`I" ?Ì) ("\\`i" ?ì) ("\\`O" ?Ò) ("\\`o" ?ò) ("\\`U" ?Ù) ("\\`u" ?ù) ("\\^A" ?Â) ("\\^a" ?â) ("\\^C" ?Ĉ) ("\\^c" ?ĉ) ("\\^E" ?Ê) ("\\^e" ?ê) ("\\^G" ?Ĝ) ("\\^g" ?ĝ) ("\\^H" ?Ĥ) ("\\^h" ?ĥ) ("\\^I" ?Î) ("\\^i" ?î) ("\\^J" ?Ĵ) ("\\^j" ?ĵ) ("\\^O" ?Ô) ("\\^o" ?ô) ("\\^S" ?Ŝ) ("\\^s" ?ŝ) ("\\^U" ?Û) ("\\^u" ?û) ("\\cC" ?Ç) ("\\cc" ?ç) ("\\cS" ?Ş) ("\\cs" ?ş) ("\\=A" ?Ā) ("\\=a" ?ā) ("\\=E" ?Ē) ("\\=e" ?ē) ("\\=I" ?Ī) ("\\=i" ?ī) ("\\=U" ?Ū) ("\\=u" ?ū) ("\\uA" ?Ă) ("\\ua" ?ă) ("\\uG" ?Ğ) ("\\ug" ?ğ) ("\\uI" ?Ĭ) ("\\ui" ?ĭ) ("\\uO" ?Ŏ) ("\\uo" ?ŏ) ("\\uU" ?Ŭ) ("\\uu" ?ŭ) ("\\vC" ?Č) ("\\vc" ?č) ("\\vD" ?Ď) ("\\vd" ?ď) ("\\vL" ?Ľ) ("\\vl" ?ľ) ("\\vN" ?Ň) ("\\vn" ?ň) ("\\vR" ?Ř) ("\\vr" ?ř) ("\\vS" ?Š) ("\\vs" ?š) ("\\vZ" ?Ž) ("\\vz" ?ž) ("\\kA" ?Ą) ("\\ka" ?ą) ("\\kE" ?Ę) ("\\ke" ?ę) ("\\kI" ?Į) ("\\ki" ?į) ("\\kU" ?Ų) ("\\ku" ?ų) ("\\rU" ?Ů) ("\\ru" ?ů) ; \r[ing] like en EuroTeX ("\\~N" ?Ñ) ("\\~n" ?ñ) ("\\~O" ?Õ) ("\\~o" ?õ) ("\\AA" ?Å) ("\\aa" ?å) ("\\AE" ?Æ) ("\\ae" ?æ) ("\\DH" ?Ð) ("\\dh" ?ð) ("\\DJ" ?Đ) ("\\dj" ?đ) ("\\=H" ?Ħ) ("\\=h" ?ħ) ("\\IJ" ?IJ) ("\\ij" ?ij) ; Dutch ij ("\\L" ?Ł) ("\\l" ?ł) ("\\Lp" ?Ŀ) ("\\lp" ?ŀ) ; Catalan l dot, as in paraŀlel ("\\NG" ?Ŋ) ("\\ng" ?ŋ) ("\\O" ?Ø) ("\\o" ?ø) ("\\OE" ?Œ) ("\\oe" ?œ) ("\\s" ?ſ) ("\\ss" ?ß) ("\\st" ?ſt) ; or ?st ("\\TH" ?Þ) ("\\th" ?þ) ;; Lowercase Greek letters ("\\alpha" ?α) ("\\beta" ?β) ("\\gamma" ?γ) ("\\delta" ?δ) ("\\epsilon" ?ε) ("\\zeta" ?ζ) ("\\eta" ?η) ("\\theta" ?θ) ("\\vartheta" ?ϑ) ("\\iota" ?ι) ("\\kappa" ?κ) ("\\lambda" ?λ) ("\\mu" ?μ) ("\\nu" ?ν) ("\\xi" ?ξ) ("\\pi" ?π) ("\\varpi" ?ϖ) ("\\rho" ?ρ) ("\\varrho" ?ϱ) ("\\sigma" ?σ) ("\\varsigma" ?ς) ("\\tau" ?τ) ("\\upsilon" ?υ) ("\\phi" ?ϕ) ("\\varphi" ?φ) ("\\chi" ?χ) ("\\psi" ?ψ) ("\\omega" ?ω) ;; Uppercase Greek letters ("\\Gamma" ?Γ) ("\\Delta" ?Δ) ("\\Theta" ?Θ) ("\\Lambda" ?Λ) ("\\Xi" ?Ξ) ("\\Pi" ?Π) ("\\Sigma" ?Σ) ("\\Upsilon" ?Υ) ("\\Phi" ?Φ) ("\\Psi" ?Ψ) ("\\Omega" ?Ω) ;; Miscellaneous symbols ("\\aleph" ?ℵ) ("\\hbar" ?ℏ) ("\\imath" ?ı) ("\\ell" ?ℓ) ("\\wp" ?℘) ("\\Re" ?ℜ) ("\\Im" ?ℑ) ("\\lnot" ?¬) ("\\partial" ?∂) ("\\infty" ?∞) ("\\prime" ?′) ("\\emptyset" ?∅) ("\\nabla" ?∇) ("\\surd" ?√) ("\\top" ?⊤) ("\\bot" ?⊥) ("\\|" ?∥) ("\\angle" ?∠) ("\\triangle" ?△) ("\\\\" ?\\) ("\\forall" ?∀) ("\\exists" ?∃) ("\\flat" ?♭) ("\\natural" ?♮) ("\\sharp" ?♯) ("\\clubsuit" ?♣) ("\\diamondsuit" ?♢) ("\\heartsuit" ?♡) ("\\spadesuit" ?♠) ("\\mho" ?℧) ;; “Large” operators ("\\sum" ?∑) ("\\prod" ?∏) ("\\coprod" ?∐) ("\\int" ?∫) ("\\oint" ?∮) ("\\bigcap" ?⋂) ("\\bigcup" ?⋃) ("\\bigvee" ?⋁) ("\\bigwedge" ?⋀) ;; Binary operations ("\\pm" ?±) ("\\mp" ?∓) ("\\setminus" ?∖) ("\\cdot" ?⋅) ("\\times" ?×) ("\\ast" ?∗) ("\\star" ?⋆) ("\\diamond" ?⋄) ("\\circ" ?∘) ("\\bullet" ?∙) ("\\div" ?÷) ("\\cap" ?∩) ("\\cup" ?∪) ("\\uplus" ?⊎) ("\\sqcap" ?⊓) ("\\sqcup" ?⊔) ("\\triangleleft" ?◁) ("\\triangleright" ?▷) ("\\wr" ?≀) ("\\bigcirc" ?◯) ("\\bigtriangleup" ?△) ("\\bigtriangledown" ?▽) ("\\land" ?∧) ("\\lor" ?∨) ("\\oplus" ?⊕) ("\\ominus" ?⊖) ("\\otimes" ?⊗) ("\\oslash" ?⊘) ("\\odot" ?⊙) ("\\dagger" ?†) ("\\ddagger" ?‡) ("\\amalg" ?∐) ;; Relations ("\\neq" ?≠) ("\\le" ?≤) ("\\ge" ?≥) ("\\prec" ?≺) ("\\preceq" ?≼) ("\\ll" ?≪) ("\\subset" ?⊂) ("\\subseteq" ?⊆) ("\\sqsubseteq" ?⊑) ("\\vdash" ?⊢) ("\\smile" ?⌣) ("\\frown" ?⌢) ("\\succ" ?≻) ("\\succeq" ?≽) ("\\gg" ?≫) ("\\supset" ?⊃) ("\\supseteq" ?⊇) ("\\sqsupseteq" ?⊒) ("\\ni" ?∋) ("\\dashv" ?⊣) ("\\mid" ?∣) ("\\parallel" ?∥) ("\\equiv" ?≡) ("\\sim" ?∼) ("\\simeq" ?≃) ("\\asymp" ?≍) ("\\approx" ?≈) ("\\cong" ?≅) ("\\bowtie" ?⋈) ("\\propto" ?∝) ("\\models" ?⊨) ("\\doteq" ?≐) ("\\perp" ?⊥) ;; Negated relations ("\\not<" ?≮) ("\\not\\leq" ?≰) ("\\not\\prec" ?⊀) ("\\not\\preceq" ?⋠) ("\\not\\subset" ?⊄) ("\\not\\subseteq" ?⊈) ("\\not\\sqsubseteq" ?⋢) ("\\not>" ?≯) ("\\not\\geq" ?≱) ("\\not\\succ" ?⊁) ("\\not\\succeq" ?⋡) ("\\not\\supset" ?⊅) ("\\not\\supseteq" ?⊉) ("\\not\\sqsupseteq" ?⋣) ("\\not\\equiv" ?≢) ("\\not\\sim" ?≁) ("\\not\\simeq" ?≄) ("\\not\\approx" ?≉) ("\\not\\cong" ?≇) ("\\not\\asymp" ?≭) ;; Arrows ("\\leftarrow" ?←) ("\\Leftarrow" ?⇐) ("\\rightarrow" ?→) ("\\Rightarrow" ?⇒) ("\\leftrightarrow" ?↔) ("\\Leftrightarrow" ?⇔) ("\\mapsto" ?↦) ("\\hookleftarrow" ?↩) ("\\leftharpoonup" ?↼) ("\\leftharpoondown" ?↽) ("\\rightleftharpoons" ?⇌) ("\\hookrightarrow" ?↪) ("\\rightharpoonup" ?⇀) ("\\rightharpoondown" ?⇁) ("\\searrow" ?↘) ("\\swarrow" ?↙) ("\\nearrow" ?↗) ("\\nwarrow" ?↖) ("\\uparrow" ?↑) ("\\Uparrow" ?⇑) ("\\downarrow" ?↓) ("\\Downarrow" ?⇓) ("\\updownarrow" ?↕) ("\\Updownarrow" ?⇕) ;; Alternate names ("\\to" ?→) ("\\gets" ?←) ("\\vert" ?∣) ("\\Vert" ?∥) ;; Non-math symbols ("\\S" ?§) ("\\P" ?¶) ("\\dag" ?†) ("\\ddag" ?‡) ;; Typographic symbols and ligatures ("''" ?”) ("``" ?“) ("\\lq" ?‘) ("\\rq" ?’) ; pok ("\\-" ?‐) ; 2010 (HYPHEN) ("\\--" ?–) ; 2013 (EN DASH) ("\\---" ?—) ; 2014 (EM DASH) ("\\minus" ?−) ; 2212 (MINUS SIGN) ("\\nbsp" ? ) ; A0 (NO-BREAK SPACE), like in HTML ("\\ff" ?ff) ("\\fi" "fi") ("\\fl" ?fl) ("\\ffi" ?ffi) ("\\ffl" ?ffl) ("\\!" ?¡) ("\\?" ?¿) ; as in EuroTeX ("\\<" ?«) ("\\>" ?») ("\\copy" ?©) ; like in HTML, unlike TeX's \copyright ("\\%" ?‱) ; pok ("\\0" ?°) ; pok, unlike TeX's \textdegree ("\\25" ?¼); 0.25, \textonequarter ("\\5" ?½) ; 0.5, \textonehalf ("\\75" ?¾); 0.75, \textthreequarters ;; Combining characters ("\\'{}" ?́) ("\\`{}" ?̀) ("\\^{}" ?̂) ("\\\"{}" ?̈) ("\\~{}" ?̃) ("\\={}" ?̄) ("\\.{}" ?̇) ("\\u{}" ?̆) ("\\v{}" ?̌) ("\\H{}" ?̋) ("\\t{}" ?͡) ("\\c{}" ?̧) ("\\k{}" ?̨) ("\\d{}" ?̣) ("\\b{}" ?̱) ;; Subscripts ("_0" ?₀) ("_1" ?₁) ("_2" ?₂) ("_3" ?₃) ("_4" ?₄) ("_5" ?₅) ("_6" ?₆) ("_7" ?₇) ("_8" ?₈) ("_9" ?₉) ("_+" ?₊) ("_-" ?₋) ("_=" ?₌) ("_(" ?₍) ("_)" ?₎) ;; Superscripts ("^0" ?⁰) ("^1" ?¹) ("^2" ?²) ("^3" ?³) ("^4" ?⁴) ("^5" ?⁵) ("^6" ?⁶) ("^7" ?⁷) ("^8" ?⁸) ("^9" ?⁹) ("^+" ?⁺) ("^-" ?⁻) ("^=" ?⁼) ("^(" ?⁽) ("^)" ?⁾) ("^a" ?ª) ; pok ("^n" ?ⁿ) ("^o" ?º) ; pok ;; Currency signs ("\\cent" ?¢) ; after HTML and wasy ("\\pound" ?£) ; after HTML ("\\curren" ?¤) ; like in HTML, cf \textcurrency ("\\euro" ?€) ; \texteuro ("\\yen" ?¥) ; \textyen ;; \mathbb ("|C" ?ℂ) ("|H" ?ℍ) ("|N" ?ℕ) ("|Z" ?ℤ) ("|P" ?ℙ) ("|Q" ?ℚ) ("|R" ?ℝ) )